Saturday, April 30, 2016

Target Pledge: The path to 10 million in two weeks

Target Pledge: The path to 10 million in two weeks

Buy Rusty Ford

It is so exciting to see the Target Boycott pledge hit 1 million people. It is a great start but that is all it is is a great start. When you consider that Target has over 110 million customers it will take a lot more than 1 million to make a difference.

How do we get to 10 million in two weeks? It is very hard and very easy at the same time. Simply if everyone who signed the petition shared the link to all of their Facebook friends, Google + circles and other social outlets as well as emailing their friends this could happen in a week. The difficult part is this is unlikely to happen. So I takes all of us who are really concerned about this issue to take spreading the word seriously.

There are two things we need to do. First we need to spread the news about the pledge. Second we need to show people that women and children are actually being put at risk by Targets new bathroom and changing room rules. There are many articles being shared that documents that Target and other retails stores already have a problem with men sneaking into women's bathrooms and changing rooms to take pictures and assault women and children. With most of the media saying that there is no risk people need to here the other side.

When ever you post an update such as the pledge reaching 1 million or Target stock being down 1.5 billion be sure you ad a link to sign the pledge. We also need to encourage our friends to share.
Here are some articles you can forward. I will be updating this when I see new articles.

Target Has History of Sexual Assault in Their Bathrooms

Top Twenty Sexual Crimes Committed at Target Stores

Watch: Target Store Manager Confirms to Man He Can Use Women’s Bathroom

A Viral Video Illustrates Why Target Is Making Me Rethink My Opposition to Boycotts

Does allowing men who are dressed as women into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms pose a threat to women and girls?

Here are some Images you can post

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