Thursday, April 28, 2016

Boycott Target Pledge Reaches 1,000,000

Boycott Target pledge reaches 1,000,000

Great news but the work has just begun!
By Rusty Ford

Just 8 days after American Family Association started its Boycott Target pledge program, it reaches 1 million signatures. While this sounds great and is great it is only the beginning. As great as it is, it only represent about 1 percent of Targets shopping base and about 2 to 3 percent of their USA shopping base. To begin to make a difference when need to reach at least 5 million in the next few weeks.
This is an issue that is far to important to give up on. The health and safety of hundreds of million women and children depend on it. It is not only the tens of millions of women and children who go to a Target store that are at risk. If target gets its way other retailers will follow suit.
I have already documented many examples of this type of abuse happening in Target Stores. You can find the article listed to the side. Allowing men to enter women's bathrooms and changing rooms will only make the problem much worse. Every day many men enter women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms to take pictures, expose themselves or assault women and children in other ways.

If you have not signed the petition, please do. If you have send it to your friends, to your Facebook friends, your Google circles and other social media. If most of us do this we will hit 5 million in less than two weeks.

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